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Open Dollar Governance Simulator

Key benefits

The Open Dollar Governance Simulator offers a streamlined, secure, and error-reducing method for managing on-chain proposals.

  1. Interactive Proposal Submission: Easily submit on-chain proposals through an interactive UI.
  2. Proposal Preview: Preview the effects of proposals on the protocol before implementation.
  3. Error Reduction: Reduce errors and streamline product upgrades by simulating proposals and verifying their outcomes.

How the Governance Simulator Works


Understanding the Governance Simulator

The Governance Simulator front-end application pulls proposals directly from GitHub allowing DAO members to streamline creating, verifying, and simulating proposals in a secure fashion before they are officially submitted on-chain.

Simulation Features

  • Simulate Transactions: Sequentially simulate all transactions and retrieve transaction lists.
  • Virtual Test-Net Fork: Create a virtual test-net to simulate the proposal's future impact.

Engagement and Transparency

Once a proposal is submitted, it can be shared on social media to engage delegates and ensure high participation. The proposal will then display on the DAO’s Governance page.

Once the proposal is verified and satisfactory, it can be submitted to the DAO, provided the user meets the voting requirements for Open Dollar Governance.

Leveraging the Governance Simulator Open Dollar DAO

Submitting Proposals via Governance

  1. Submit via Open Dollar App: Use the Open Dollar app to submit proposals.
  2. Programmatic Submission: Submit proposals programmatically via GitHub.
  3. Virtual Testnet App: Utilize the virtual testnet for proposal simulation.

Github Overview of the Governance Simulator App

Key Benefits

  1. Version Control: All files are checked into Git for version control.
  2. Review and Testing: Proposals can be reviewed and tested by others, reducing human error.
  3. Deterministic Output: The script generates call data, targets, and values, providing a clear understanding of the proposal's impact.


  1. Proposal Creation: New proposals are created using a secure script in GitHub, ensuring a verifiable and secure process.
  2. Submission and Simulation: Proposals are submitted to the Governance Simulator application, where delegates can verify proposal details and simulate each transaction. This includes creating a fork of the proposal as if it had passed on Mainnet.
  3. Verification Process:
    • Visit the dashboard.
    • Grab the RPC and input it into your wallet.
    • Review the results of the passed proposal to ensure it is adequate.

How It Works

  1. Script Execution: Run yarn propose g -a to pass your proposal script.
  2. Proposal Details: Pass the path of your proposal details file.